As I descended from a priests family it was not even a question, if I became a priest or not.
So I entered the priesthood at the age of 13. I served my duty for Seshat, the Goddess of writing and arithmetic.
As the years passed by, I climbed up hierarchy and finally became Highpriest of Seshat at the age of 49.
Now my family, especially my father, had reached his aim. His son was Highpriest!
In that time I started thinking about my life and about MY aims in life. Sure, I appreciated the noble life as a Highpriest but was that really all I wanted?
I got much profit out of my knowledge, as our Temple had the biggest library of all and therefore I suffered no poverty at all.
Then in one night, Seshat came into my dreams. She was talking to me like to a wayward child. She told me that in spite I was her Highpriest, I did not understand the most important meaning of life and she was going to teach me.
"The truth", she said, "has to be saught for all through your life! When you find it, accept it and do exactly what this truth tells you to do."
Then her beautiful face vanished and I woke up.
All through my life there was a little but very strong notion inside my head that I must not accept the political system of the ruling Pharao. So I decided to oppose his strategies and worked for better lives for the great majority suffering from poverty, hunger and deseases.
In the beginning it seemed easy to achieve my aim because the word of a Highpriest was law even for the Pharao. But after my first success I felt massive opposition out of priesthood itself and out of the surroundings of the Pharao.
Achieving my aims became harder and harder although I got support from two other Highpriests.
When it came to the crash between the opposing parties, I was sure, this time I had found my truth and that Seshat herself was speaking through out my mouth.
When I started talking to the hundreds of people they got silent at once. During my speech, I heard appluse and support.
I knew: Now you will live your own life! I got emotionally more and more and my words were burning down the politcal system like the rays of the sun melt the ice.
As I got closer and closer to the end of my speech, my words became more and more like lances hitting the system and my support grew and grew. A revolution seemed to come to life.
Suddenly I broke a sentence, my words could not come out my lips anymore. There was a cruel pain that suddenly arose in my chest. I felt my blood dripping on the floor.
I realized, my pain came from a dagger sticking in my back. As I turned around I looked into the eyes of my murderer. He was a young priest of my Temple and in his eyes I saw giant fear arising. Then I fell on the floor and closed my eyes waiting for Osiris to get me. The only thing I could think about was: "I failed... all my life was senseless."
Then Seshat appeared a second time. This time she was kind and friendly. She said:
"Now you found your truth and gave your life for it. And this is the most important thing in life. I am proud of you and I promise, there will be a time, when you will be needed again. Prepare that I will send someone to awake you. Then live your truth again!"